Sunday, September 6, 2009

Boise Market

Downtown was our destination on Saturday. A couple of streets are blocked from traffic and vendors are all set up with booths full of "goodies". We saw pottery, jewelry, photographs, iron garden art and some just picked today: flowers, veggies, eggs and berries and home made breads, jellies, and pasta with lots of people doing the same as us...walking and browsing...My two favorite people watching the water babies......
Isn't this an unusual "pumpkin?" for sale but I really don't think she would of sold it. Great conversation piece on her table of honey bottles and cukes.
Of course I love the flowers and gourds. Yellow isn't my favorite color but these flowers are sure pretty.
Kids were playing in the water fountain at the center of the market. They were laughing and having a great time.
Had lunch on the sidewalk at a Greek restaurant-gyros- and then back to Diana's for hammock time and magazine browsing while Pat babysat her granddaughter. Another busy and wonderful weekend in progress.


  1. I obviously have not traveled enough - who would have though that Boise ID would be so lovely?! Thanks for sharing great pics!!!

  2. It is really a nice place to visit. We are shopping more than sightseeing but I will try to take some scenery pictures before I come home.

  3. sorry I missed your call...but I got your blog wish....thanks! Enjoy Spudville!

  4. what is the "18+" icon under your followers? Check it out....
