Monday, June 29, 2009

Alaska's Hobo Jim

We ended Saturday by going to BJ's to hear Hobo Jim sing and play his guitar. He's been performing in Alaska for more than 35 years. Brandon, Katie and Aunt Denise joined our table and we had a BLAST. Hobo Jim sings, tells stories and has everyone laughing and singing along.
Couldn't leave without a photo of Hobo Jim and the girls.

Stayed until closing time...2:30 and then we walked home in daylight. John and I "kept up" with the younger ones pretty well, but we were very much ready for bed Sunday night by 8:30! I can't figure out how to put that picture at the bottom so you'll just have to believe me when I say it was daylight!

Weekend Pictures

We stopped at Turnagain Pass and ate subs for dinner. Our neighbors, Chad and Natalie pulled in after us on their way to Cooper Landing. We joked about leaving town to get away from each other! It sure looks different here in the summer....I will post snow pictures this winter. Becky and I talked over what kind of flowers she should plant with the iris and lilies along the front of the house.Chris building the racks for his smoker.
He is so ready to fish for salmon since he has a boat.
The finished project...smoking away.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Moose on Crest Drive

Isn't this just adorable? Chris said I needed to come to the country more often- I was acting like a tourist from the city- I was way too excited over the wildlife that is hanging around their place.
We had a good weekend in Soldotna. The weather was great and some fun times with the "kids".
All the dogs got along very well together- Chena likes a pink soccer ball instead of the usual tennis balls. I will be adding some of the pictures John and I took of the house, toys and our Saturday Nite Outing....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Soldotna Here We Come

We are driving down to stay with Chris and Becky this weekend. First time in the RV for John and the dogs....Katie and Chena are really excited...John doesn't show that much enthusiasm!
Actually starting to look like the weather will be good the next few days. Temperatures in mid 60's with sun and clouds in the forecast. I'll try to take lots of pictures of their new house and dogs to post. Hope everyone is busy, busy this weekend...Have a good one.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Longest Day of the Year

Taken at Midnight Sunday, June 21st from our back porch.

Old Wooden Boat

Tucked in the woods at Renfro's Lakeside Retreat was this boat. I called it a tugboat but John says it is just an old fishing boat. It would of been fun to climb aboard to check it out. Becky offered to go back with me but it was either raining or wet from the rain so we put it off until I forgot about it. I thought about all the hard work done on this boat and the choppy seas it traveled in. Wonder how many fish were caught?

I'm in a photography contest
and the subject is "doors". I couldn't believe
there were NONE on this boat.
It would of been a great entry I am sure.
Guess I will have to keep looking for the interesting door to take a picture of.
Anyway, I am glad I stumbled upon this old wooden boat.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Out For A Walk

Lots of green on my walk around campground. The wild roses are starting to bud. View towards Moose Pass.
I thought for sure I was a goner...momma and baby black bears coming right at me!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAH it was really a Newfoundland and a Pomeranian out for their daily stroll also. I waited until they walked past me the think of taking the picture probably because it took me that long to return to 'normal breathing' again.
Found an old tugboat among the trees and I will post those pictures tomorrow.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Guess Who I Was Thinking Of?????

Yep, Uncle Vic, doubtful I'll hike the trail this weekend but why don't you and Jean come back for a visit and we can all do it together? It is a 2 mile hike -so very doable.

Salad for Lunch?

Lunch time here along the Kenai Lake. V-8, clamato juice, double stuffed jalapeno olives, a pepperoni stick, green beans, carrot and the Bloody Mary Lunch Buffet is ready. My Life doesn't get any better...until the next "camping" trip!
I am at Renfro's Lakeside Retreat between Moose Pass and Seward. It is nestled among trees, pretty quiet (no cell phone coverage) with gorgeous scenery just waiting for sunshine to finish off the perfect picture! Becky will be joining me tonight after work. We will have a campfire tonight and go into Moose Pass tomorrow for the Summer Solstice Festival.


don't you just love the yellow and green- such vibrant colors- either like them or HATE, HATE, HATE them-as many of mybestest buds do......MICHAEL this one is for YOU.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Robin In Our Yard

This robin seems to be watching the dogs. They had no idea she was there. Guess this means spring is here---and then it will be summer in three days.

Katie and Chena

They are so happy to be outside after staying inside all day. Chena wants to play ball and Katie likes to walk around checking out all the corners- figuring out what cat has been in her space-
I planned on mowing the grass but took pictures and played ball instead. It is the typical 50 degrees Alaska Summer Weather with gray sky and blowing wind - nice to be outside just the same.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Winchester Park

The annual planting of the flowers happened yesterday. John used the rototiller to prepare the dirt, Gene hauled the flowers and water in the back of his truck, the ladies planted (played in the dirt) and Doug and Wayne watered the rows. The MOA provided twenty red and pink geraniums, twenty huge marigolds and a flat of alyssums for us make this flower bed beautiful. We've been part of the Adopt-A-Garden project for ten years. Missed some of our "planters" this year but we were able to get it all done and go to Gene and Vicki's for pizza before the raindrops started.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Red Tulips

My flowers are coming in so pretty this year. The bleeding heart and peonies are starting to form buds now. The Forget Me Not and the Jacob's Ladder are almost gone. I've tried to take pictures of all them this weekend. Some of the yard chores are done and guess I'd have to say that staying home hasn't been to bad. This afternoon the "BackYard Bunch" will plant the bright red and yellow flowers in our neighborhood park and then meet at Gerkens for Moose's Tooth Pizza and beer.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I've been playing aroung with the blog background- had this one for 2 months and think it is time for a new one. I emailed Megan at with a question about putting a picture in the header of my blog and this is the response from her....

Hi Debbie! YES! You can absolutely customize my headers. In fact, I hope you do! Half the fun of adding cute stuff to your blog is making it your own. I just took a peek at your blog and saw that you are way ahead of me though. I just love what you did! I am so excited to follow your blog! It brings back so many memories for me. When I was in high school, my parents took me and my siblings out of school for six months so we could travel around the country in a giant trailer. We visited most of our National Parks and ended our trip with a month long visit to Alaska. It was incredible! Seeing your photos makes me feel like I am right back there. I bet I've even stayed at a lot of the same campgrounds you have. So neat! Thanks for sharing that! Take care, Debbie!

I am so impressed that she actually took the time to email me back. I am sohappy with everything I've picked to use from her and ShabbyBlogs. Thanks Megan.

Ozarks Americana

I just love this store. Nancy and the ladies that work with her have done such a great job of remodeling this store. It is full of antiques, flowers, gifts and so many wonderful decorating ideas. We spent a couple of hours browsing and went back again for the porch sale at 5:30. I bought a couple things- amber candy dish and a vintage necklace- Krystal found the cutest hound dog figurine to go in her collection. Note to self: must go back here more often.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes

I woke up to a gray gloomy sky this morning and my mood has been about the same all day. The temperature is in the low 50's and it definitely feels cold. I had a hard time deciding if I should stay home or load up the Chalet and head out for the weekend. I am leaning toward working around the house and yard - after Krystal and I shop at Ozarks Americana. My mood is improving already. Guess what? The sun is shining at 9pm!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

70 degrees

Today has to be the hottest ever for June. At 8:30 pm it is 71 degrees! I LOVE IT!!!! Oh, how I love the lilacs right outside by the back deck...they smell so good. I put a huge bouquet on the kitchen table this week. Now the house smells just like the lilacs.
My weekend working in Juneau was postponed so not sure what I will do. Yard work should be the number one priority but when the weather is this nice maybe the RV should be visiting Hope or going North for hotter temperatures...undecided at this time. Will call Lisa and see where she wants to go. I'll let ya know where I am this weekend....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lily of the Valley

Guess this means Spring is really here but it feels more like Summer to me. Warm Sunshine and Green Grass. Flowers are bloomin' and so fragrant. This patch of Lily of the Valley was transplanted from my dear friends yard years ago. I've shared it with Natalie when she lived in Palmer and with several neighborhood friends over the years. It is also the perfume I wore on our wedding day! Sweet Memories!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Moose on Parade

We're walking into town from the camper park and taking lots of pictures today. The Beadberry Patch was our first stop but Beth was not in. Lisa and I purchased handmade earrings. The "Moose on Parade" contest is going on again this year so there are decorated moose in the front of several stores.

We timed it perfectly to be at the West Rib Pub for appetizers and a beer. My usual Hefe with sweet potato fries and nachoes with Ice Axe for both Lisa's. There is a two drink limit on the Ice Axe due to the alcohol content.

Walked to the river's edge for more photos and then stopped at Nagley's for an Expresso flavored ice cream cone. Town seems rather quiet so we head back to the motorhome just before midnight. Some campers by the blazing campfire but it is mostly quiet until the train goes by.

We've had lots of fun weekend in Talkeetna- hope you enjoy reading about our weekend.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Talkeetna Day Two

Another gorgeous summer day in Alaska. We played tourist today and shopped at The Junque Lady. The cute house was moved here from Palmer and it is FULL of antiques. I found some cute ideas to use with my crocheted pot holders. We also went to a new store, Salmonberry. It is stocked with handmade goodies from 30 local artists. The amber glass pocketbook had to come home with me! Lisa A. found a book, The Berry Fairies of Alaska by Teresa Ascone. She will read to her grandaughter about Merris, Frammie, Azuria and Sehra.

We have a busy day planned tomorrow starting with breakfast at the Road House. I will catch up with you tomorrow evening.

Talkeetna, Alaska

We're at the Talkeetna Camper Park for the weekend. Reserved site #32 and we were hooked up for hour or so and decided we need to be closer to the main building for WiFi connection. It is so easy to unhook the hose and electric cord and move a row over to site #25.

Our project for the weekend is to set up our own will be able to follow my progress!
Lisa A. will be meeting us here shortly. She had class in Wasilla so didn't come in the Chalet with Lisa B. and me.