Monday, October 4, 2010

October Afternoon at the Board Walk

From the Old Seward Highway- where the Rabbit Hutch used to be- now it is the for the Bird Treatment project- looking out over the marsh and highway
family of ducks
John sneaking in pictures of me---
see the termination dust? I just look at the yellow leaves....

....HERE'S LOOKIN AT YA.................
Potter Marsh Boardwalk is definitely NOT the same as Atlantic City Boardwalk..........
We were the only two people there....with at least 12 pair of swans and lots of mallard ducks
Another view of the boardwalk looking up at the Potter Marsh Housing Development
We picked the best day to stroll- John did okay with walking slowly and with the knee brace on-think it was just nice for him to be outside-it was chilly and windy but so pretty- gotta love Alaskan Autumn Afternoons :)