Friday, July 3, 2009

Perfect Weather

Weather report and the temperature could not be any better for what we are doing this weekend.....We are STAYING home to catch up on yard work. The front porch needs another coat of paint, John hauled in topsoil and we spread it last night, now grass seed etc, several of the trees need to be trimmed and hopefully the back decks will get sanded and stained...with 19 hours, 7 minutes and 22 seconds of daylight we should get it done....Surely I will be up at the crack of dawn---4:28 ----ha,ha,ha!!!!

Hope you all have a safe travels and a fantastic weekend. Watch for my exciting pictures of the weekend....


  1. Wish I could be there to help you. NOT
    Chad & Cory just stained by deck in the
    back....check your email for important
    info! Brenda

  2. It's 95 and sunny in Meridian!

  3. Sounds like you have alot of fun.
