Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas

Here's a few pictures of our "Christmas Day".... we celebrated today because of the work schedules. Sunday is the only day all four of us had off together. We slept in, had showers and ate cinnamon rolls before we opened our gifts...notice I'm the only one to put new pj's on instead of getting dressed?....typical comfortable me!Chris commented on the house not being AS decorated like years ago...jokingly, I told him it was because he was not here to carry all the totes of decorations up stairs ... actually that is the truth!
I was playing with camera settings- the white lights are hard to get and then some of my favorite ornaments- John's mom knit the stocking years ago.
Miss Belle slept all last evening and wanted to be awake in the middle of the night - so Chris is trying to keep her awake this afternoon. She would sneak to the bedroom to snooze.
Dinner is done and we are all full. Had buffet style with all of our favorite appetizers and main dishes, like chex mix, baked beans and the ham.
John ready for a nap...Chena guarding him or and playing keep away with the football.
I wanted to get pictures of all of us today-and it was time for them to leave before the camera was set up and used....we get so busy doing other things! when they are here. Chris and John took old tv off bedroom wall and replaced it with our new flat screen. Only one trip to the store for this process today!
I deleted the pic of us four that was suppose to go here so I added it back in - so #1 now.
After Chris, Becky, Bear and Belle left our dogs are "waiting at the top of the stairs" for them to come back!!!!!
Can't believe it is all over-they are driving home and we are sitting here- I'm on computer and John is sleeping in the recliner. We are talking about driving down to Soldotna on Christmas Eve, (depending on the weather and what time John is done with his route) Chris will be working on Christmas Day but we can take lasagna or pizza! to the station and eat with him. We would have to drive back to Anchorage that afternoon/evening so John is here for work in the 26th. We even talked about just me going down for the weekend and Becky and I could play and drinking wine while the guys work!!!! Who knows what we will end up doing. Of course, we have to hope there are no snow storms coming this week- no way we would drive down if there is a chance of that.
Hope all of you are enjoying your family as much as we did today.
Merry Christmas to all of my friends and family reading this...Miss You ALL.
Debbie and John

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful tree Debbie!! so glad you posted photos - looks like everyone is enjoying time together - I'm so glad :-)
