Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkins and Gourds

I sent John on a photography mission. The radio advertisement for Bell's Nursery caught my attention and I thought it would be the perfect chance for John to take tons of pictures. I had visions of the Pennsylvania Autumns with all the pumpkins, cornstalks, apples and gourds that I saw last time I was home. So have a seat and view ALL the pictures John took at Bell's on DeArmoun Road.

Pitiful, huh? Not John's pictures but these fall displays!


  1. Tell John if he wants pumpkin and gourd pics, he just needs to come to Boise! Lots of that here--every other house is decorated for fall and/or Halloween. Not to mention fields and fields of pumpkins and corn mazes out in the country. He's just in the wrong state, as we knew all along ;)

    Seriously--nice pics, even if the pickins' were slim!

    What kind of camera did you two buy? We are starting a search (and research--you know DavOd!) for a new one.

  2. As they say, "Great minds work alike." This afternoon, as I was driving home from school, in the rain; I thought I should go to Wellsboro and take some "fall house decorations" for my next blog entry. If the sun is out tomorrow (regardless) I will take a few fall pictures in town. Diana - why don't you do the same? And Brenda, too!

  3. Di, The camera is a Nikon D5000 from Costco (where else?) He narrowed it down to Canon or this on... be sure you two want to lug a camera and lens is not my choice to do that again regardless of how great the pictures are. I'll probably use my Olympus SP-500-UZ especially for any traveling...not sure they even make it anymore.
