Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heartbreaking News

I usually know what I am putting on my blog but tonight I'm finding it hard to convey my real feelings here.

Another Juneau weekend but this time I feel so far from home- just as I was getting ready to go to work this morning I received an email from my girlfriend, Joey, that told me about the avalanche in Grandview involving a mutual friends husband. I immediately called Joey and John for information. Alan Gage was with several friends snowmachining when the avalanche happened. Two riders were caught and buried, one was killed and Alan is still missing until the weather permits the rescuers to go back.

I do not know Alan personally, but his wife, DaLon has become a really good friend. We share a passion for Starbucks and Scrapbooking and have spent several evenings together working on our layouts. She's a tremendous helper with the computer and blogging and has left me several comments on my blog. I feel like I should be there with her but I know she understands why I am not. They have been on my mind constantly today and I hope you will add her and their two young boys to your thoughts and prayers, also.

Our sincere condolences and sympathy goes out to their families.
Debbie and John


  1. Oh dear Deb, I'm so sorry to hear this. I enjoy reading her comments on your blog, and had gone to her blog to look at her pictures of her sweet boys. Sad news for sure. Di

  2. I have her and her sons in my prayers....heartbreaking news....Brenda

  3. Yes, I will keep her and her family in my did have me wondering which Alan Gage you were talking about. She is a talented blogger!
