Saturday, February 6, 2010

Different Dogs

Can you believe the size of Belle's feet? She didn't want to cooperate for pictures but I got a few...Oops... forgot to turn them around...sorry!

Chena is the instigator this time... she is thinking...let me outside...and I know it is ...just so she can come back in for a treat!

Katie has been laying on the back deck and chewing on a log - the snow sticks to their fur and I have to towel them off. It doesn't stick to Bear and Belle! Another plus for short hair dogs!

And finally Bear- he misses his Mom,Walks and Home but adjusts to our lifestyle pretty well.
Aren't they adorable?


  1. They are cute and love unconditionally....your a good grand mom for taking such good care of them...Belle does have big feet....

  2. Belle needs her toenails painted pink! Dare ya!!

  3. these are great photos of the dogs!!! they are so sweet - I know they wanted to scrap with us last night :-)
