Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pet Stop

On the way to Katie's final check up appointment Saturday morning we stopped at the credit union drive through and this is the view as we left the parking lot. Katie is healing fast and well. There is still has a hole in her suture line that we need to put Iodine in and Neosporin around, but getting back to her old self daily. She finally took the treats from Doc Christine today! This mailbox caught my it will be a thing of the past before long.
Had a great weekend with Becky. We worked on a photo-
graphy project for their living room, did some shopping at Pier One and Michaels and then had lunch at Gallo's. She's headed back home -fighting off a sore throat and achy body- and I'm doing laundry and watching these snowflakes look like they mean business this time....


  1. I am captivated by Sleeping Lady and the way the light is on her and the clouds up above. I keep staring at the picture....thanks Deb...
    I love her.....So glad to hear that Katie is doing well.

  2. I am so glad you keep up with blogging and always updating the background. By the look in the photos, you will need to finding some clever snowflakes! We are having 50s and 60s this! I've been away from school for the past 6 days and have to return tomorrow! Trainings and conferences are always the days that teachers always look forward to.
