Sunday, August 23, 2009

Alyeska Blueberry Festival

Oh yeah, big time blueberry pickers we are....saw these few...picked three and ate them on the spot. Guess I'll be at Carr's buying any I need for pancakes this weekend
Becky and I met in Girdwood to go to the festival. We parked in the RV in the day lodge area and used her truck to drive around town. There were a dozen or so white canopies set up along the pond with music and vendors selling crafts and food. We ate a reindeer sausage and watched these crazies swim across the the yucky cold water full of water lilies. KINDA SPOILED OUR APPETITES....I had John's camera to learn how to use it and like my own much better. I like the small size of his as far as being portable but will use mine from now on. I took a few pictures of flowers but the macro setting shows them blurry...but I will post the clear ones later this week . Oh, and our appetites came back after TWO hours on the wait list at Double Musky. VERY GOOD HALIBUT STUFFED CRAB and the peanut butter pie is almost as good as Valerie makes!!


  1. Deb, love the comments and pictures, can't wait to see more. Kudos to you for putting them on your blog after you got home! Of course, I will be late for work now...looking at the blogs instead of getting ready. Take Care Brenda

  2. there is NOTHIN like a Speedo to "curb" you appetite ... HA!!!!! ;-)
