Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another weekend in Juneau- enjoy the views

Could not of been better---it was this beautiful blue ALL weekend--- but this is the area I most of my time- 9 to 6 anyway---and having the laptop connected to the Anchorage office makes "work" so much easier. We love the new office space. Still some snow on the mountains but mostly many, many, many shades of green...
remember me showing this one during the winter months - no fog this weekend...
And of course some spring flowers.. coming up by the office building
and of course these "dandies"
some Johnny Jump Ups and more Pansies....
All we needed for Saturday Lunch ....
because Dinner in our room was weight watcher meal and a Bud Light Golden Wheat...(it was okay but I much prefer the additional point for a REAL beer!)
This is Grandma's Bed and Breakfast- feather beds and home cooking- and not where we stay!
The first stop of each morning- (and I am still not having a vanilla latte)
Now for comparison to Portland....maybe a picture of the blooming bush on our June trip....
no idea what this is- azalea maybe- but it is planted around the Carr's building
and skunk cabbage--could actually smell it before I saw it!and these are peeking out from the ferns are just about ready to open...
backspaced too many times and deleted the yellow flower- think it was a tulip but not sure....
So that is the views around the valley this weekend. Started to cloud up Monday and I was ready to go home.


  1. I love Grandma's Bed & Breakfast photo! All of the pics are great. I think the one flower is a rhododrenden...or however it is spelled. Remember John gave Mom a plant years ago? Thanks for posting....

  2. I thought rhodie also until I saw the buds on bush in front of office that was just that BUDS...and then less than a mile away full blooming ones seems odd -so I thought might be some other flowering bush!!! Sure was pretty regardless.
