Monday, June 22, 2009

Old Wooden Boat

Tucked in the woods at Renfro's Lakeside Retreat was this boat. I called it a tugboat but John says it is just an old fishing boat. It would of been fun to climb aboard to check it out. Becky offered to go back with me but it was either raining or wet from the rain so we put it off until I forgot about it. I thought about all the hard work done on this boat and the choppy seas it traveled in. Wonder how many fish were caught?

I'm in a photography contest
and the subject is "doors". I couldn't believe
there were NONE on this boat.
It would of been a great entry I am sure.
Guess I will have to keep looking for the interesting door to take a picture of.
Anyway, I am glad I stumbled upon this old wooden boat.


  1. Ooooh...a photography contest. How neat. Keep us posted!

  2. That would have been a great door. Great picture!!!!
